Friday, March 28, 2008

Event + Respond = Outcome

What would you do when you encounter a problem? Would you take courage and face it? Would you ignore it? Or would you detain and worry about it later?
It is so stunned to come to understand that these stages of our lives are at right now is the decisions we made in the past.
You receive a bill with balance of -$2,000 from your credit card company. You simply ignore it and think, “I can pay it next month.” You use the same excuse every month and 6 months later, you receive a collection letter.
You work hard everyday and when you get home, you are so tired; you just want to relax. Your kids ask you to accompany them. You say, “I’m tired!” Your wife wants to have a talk with you, and you say, “Let’s talk about it later!” This goes on for years and one day, you come home to an empty house and a “bye-bye” note.
A year ago, your boyfriend hit you suddenly in the middle of arguing. Instead of avoiding the truth, you alerted that your boyfriend’s tendency of violence is a problem. In stead of keeping it quiet, you stood up for yourself. After times of failing of demanding him to join you in counselling, you decided to break this relationship. One day, you relieve that you have left him before you both got into serious matters; your friend just told you that he is charged of physically abuse his wife yesterday.
How you respond to an event today affects your future. What a simple principle, yet so many people take a life time or even have to put their lives at risk to finally learn and realize it.
So please think carefully before every movement. If you are not happy about your current situation, face it and change your response.

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